A Virtual Baby Shower hosted by Auntie Michelle

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What is a Virtual Baby Shower?

Welcome to Lauren and Doug's Virtual Baby Shower Blog!

Each week I will post a game or activity for you to participate in. 
To play the games,  leave a comment with your name on the post.

Here is an example:
Guess what Baby W's first word will be?
Michelle F. (my name): Auntie of course!!! (my answer)

Enter your answer in the comment box under the blog post (what you are reading now is a post). You will be asked to sign in: if you have a google account, chose that. If not, chose anonymous: but if you do it is extra important to include your name or we won't know who you are! 

There are a few ways to be a part of this party:
1. Follow this blog by email. 
There is a little button on the right hand side. 
Each time we publish a post it will be sent to you just like and email!
2. Check once a week
I plan to post at least once a week, so save this blog to your favorites 
or add it to google reader or your RSS feed.
3. Email me
and I'll email you back when there is a new post. I am sending everyone an email so you will know how to get in touch with me.

Ready to have some fun? Okay! Here is your first game. There will be prizes!
Remember to leave a comment with your answer and your name. 

What day and time do you think 
Baby W will arrive?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think Whittlesey will make an early appearance for Mother's Day. 5/12/13, 6pm.

  3. Judy: I think Baby W will be born on Bob Dylan's birthday, May 24th, at noon.

  4. I say May 18th at 1:18pm. That is Tod's birthday And it was the EDD for Lili and it is the day Mt St. Helens errulted! Michelle

  5. I'm going with her birthday. Whenever that is.
